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Research and Program  Development

Conflictus aims to help individuals, social groups and organisations develop effective conflict resolution strategies by enabling them to better understand and assess their needs.


Our team of experts specialise in conflict analysis, conflict mapping, developing social cohesion programmes, developing conflict sensitive approaches, creating training kits and tools, and improving programmes and projects to meet individual needs.


All our work in this area is designed to help individuals, community groups, teams and organisations build and maintain effective relationships while managing the complexity of the conflicts they face.


Our priority is to create a safe and inclusive environment where all voices are heard, respected and understood. To this end, we are pleased to list below some of the work we are doing in collaboration with national and international organisations:

Social Cohesion Training of Trainers Development and Implementation -GIZ NEXUS Programme - 2020-2022

This project, implemented by Conflictus, aimed to support young people in Turkey from a conflict resolution perspective to increase their social cohesion and develop their leadership skills. With the support of GIZ Turkey and in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Conflictus developed a training of trainers (ToT) programme to be implemented in Gaziantep, KahramanmaraÅŸ, Ankara and Bursa and implemented it with 15 different groups over 24 months.

This ToT programme supported young people by highlighting critical skills to promote social cohesion in their communities. Following the trainings, Conflictus facilitated, monitored and reported on the micro-project creation process of the youth.  Conflictus also designed and implemented the monitoring and evaluation process of the programme. To summarise, participant identification, ToT implementation, follow-up and mentoring, micro-project monitoring and evaluation and reporting processes were all carried out by Conflictus under the coordination of GIZ.


Target Group: Turkish and Syrian young participants from Ankara, Bursa, Gaziantep and KahramanmaraÅŸ

Conflict Resolution and Social Mediation Training Programme with University Students from Different Cultures - Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities - (Supported by UNHCR) - May 2022 - October 2023

This project mainly aims to improve the social cohesion skills of university students coming from different cultures in different cities (Mardin, Şanlıurfa, Kahramanmaraş, Konya, Mersin, İstanbul, Samsun, Kayseri). For this purpose, conflict resolution and social mediation training content including important topics such as conflict analysis, conflict resolution strategies, transformative mediation, coping with discrimination and solution-oriented communication was prepared and implemented.


Target Group: University students (362 foreigners and 529 Turks) from Mardin, Şanlıurfa, Kahramanmaraş, Konya, Mersin, İstanbul, Samsun, Kayseri.

Design and Implementation of Cultural Exchange Workshops between Syrian and Turkish Women in Istanbul HRDF - 2018-2020

This programme was carried out within the scope of the Women's Support Programme organised at the Esenler Multi-Service Support Centre. The program is a training program that aims to ensure cultural exchange between Syrian women living in Esenler and women from the host community, to increase the dialogue between them and thus contribute to social cohesion. Throughout the process, creative drama method was used to ensure effective cultural exchange between the participants.


Target Group: Syrian and Turkish women living in Esenler district of Istanbul

Youth Mediators Training Programme for Social Dialogue for Syrian and Host Communities with Habitat Association - October 2017 - January 2018

The aim of the programme is to empower Syrian and Turkish youth who are active in social cohesion, youth participation and networking within the National Youth Parliament network. Participants were expected to raise awareness on mediation and social cohesion in their communities after the training. In this way, it was aimed to facilitate the participants to engage in peace-oriented interventions in their own localities. During this programme, a train-the-trainer programme was designed and conducted for 25 participants from 11 different cities in Turkey. Through local trainings delivered by young mediators, 264 young people were reached.


Target group: Young people aged 15-29 from Syrian and host communities living in Adana, Aksaray, Ankara, Bursa, Gaziantep, Hatay, İstanbul, İzmir, Mardin, Mersin and Şanlıurfa, young employees of local civil society organisations and university students

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