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Training Implementation

Our Training Implementation and Capacity Building services are designed to help individuals and organizations move forward in a solution-oriented manner in challenging and complex contexts. Our workshops and trainings focus on conflict analysis and resolution, principled negotiation, transformative mediation, solution-focused communication, peacebuilding and dialogue development, anti-discrimination and social cohesion.


Through interactive workshops and trainings, we empower individuals and organizations to effectively manage and resolve conflicts and promote positive change. In this way, we support individuals and organizations to adopt a solution-oriented approach to dealing with challenging situations and achieve more productive outcomes.


Our Training Implementation and Capacity Building services can be tailored to the needs of individuals and organizations. Our expert team can assist you in conflict analysis, conflict mapping, developing social cohesion programmes, developing conflict sensitive approaches, creating training kits and tools according to your needs.


The Basic Training Subjects we have developed and implemented are as follows:


  • Conflict Analysis and Resolution

  • Principled Negotiation

  • Transformative Mediation

  • Solution Oriented Communication

  • Peacebuilding and Dialogue Development

  • Dealing with Discrimination

  • Social Cohesion


You can support individuals and organizations to manage conflict and promote positive change with our Training Implementation and Capacity Building services. You can contact us via our contact page and tell us about your needs so that we can offer you a customized solution.


We are pleased to share our training implementations conducted with various target groups and partnerships:



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Conflict Resolution Training for Post-Earthquake Field Workers IOM - July 2023

This training programme is designed to develop and strengthen the relevant skills of the IOM team in active support to people in need from a conflict resolution perspective. Following the earthquake disaster of 6 February 2023, which directly affected 11 provinces in Turkey, this programme mainly aims to help field staff improve their solution-oriented communication skills and contribute to the development of their skills in managing potential conflicts that may occur in the field while in contact with earthquake victims. In this context, a 2-day online training process was implemented with the participation of field workers working in different departments in different provinces.

Target Group: Field workers working in the post-earthquake region

Conflict Resolution and Social Mediation Training Programme with University Students from Different Cultures - Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities - (Supported by UNHCR) - May 2022 - October 2023

This project mainly aims to improve the social cohesion skills of university students coming from different cultures in different cities (Mardin, Şanlıurfa, Kahramanmaraş, Konya, Mersin, İstanbul, Samsun, Kayseri). For this purpose, conflict resolution and social mediation training content including important topics such as conflict analysis, conflict resolution strategies, transformative mediation, coping with discrimination and solution-oriented communication was prepared and implemented.


Target Group: University students (362 foreigners and 529 Turks) from Mardin, Şanlıurfa, Kahramanmaraş, Konya, Mersin, İstanbul, Samsun, Kayseri.

Conflict Resolution and Mediation Training for Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Employees - January 2022

The main objective of this training programme, organised in cooperation with UNHCR and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, is to help Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality staff develop skills in negotiation and mediation, effective communication and conflict resolution. Thus, it is aimed to contribute to the development of social cohesion and solution-oriented communication between host communities and refugees in Istanbul. In this context, topics such as conflict analysis, conflict sensitivity in intercultural communication, negotiation as a solution tool and transformative mediation were conveyed to the participants during the training.


Target Group: 25 Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality employees working on migration

Social Cohesion Trainer Training for Community Centre Staff_ Kızılay - July 2023

This training is designed to contribute to the strengthening of social cohesion among Red Crescent field staff. The aim is to help participants to develop social cohesion more strongly in their own work areas, among the groups they work with and more broadly in their own environment. In this context, in addition to theoretical information, information was shared and activities were implemented to improve the trainer skills of the participants. In this 4-day face-to-face training, topics such as conflict resolution, principled negotiation, transformative mediation, coexistence with differences were discussed. In addition, the training was made more interactive with the non-formal learning method accompanied by creative drama. At the end of this training of trainers, since it is foreseen that trainings will be organised by the participants in different community centres in Turkey after this training process, special attention was paid to the training skills of the participants and training rehearsals were carried out with them before going to the field. In addition, a training kit containing the information shared and activities carried out during the whole training process was shared with the participants to facilitate the future practices of the trainers.


Target Group: Field workers working on social cohesion in various community centers in Turkey


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Social Cohesion Programme (Development-Implementation-Follow-up-Evaluation) - Nexus Programme - GIZ (2020 - 2022)

Implemented by Conflictus, this project aimed to support young people in the target cities from a conflict resolution perspective, enhancing social cohesion among them, and developing their leadership skills. Supported by the German Cooperation Agency (GIZ) in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the project involved the development and implementation of a Training of Trainers (ToT) program by Conflictus in Gaziantep, KahramanmaraÅŸ, Ankara, and Bursa over a period of 24 months.

The program emphasized critical skills to encourage social cohesion among young people in their communities. Following the training sessions, Conflictus facilitated, monitored, and reported on the processes of young people creating micro-projects.

Additionally, Conflictus led the design and implementation of the program's monitoring and evaluation processes. In summary, participant selection, ToT implementation, follow-up and mentoring, micro-project monitoring and evaluation, and reporting processes were all conducted by Conflictus under the coordination of GIZ.


 Target Groups: Youth centre staff and volunteers in Gaziantep, KahramanmaraÅŸ, Ankara and Bursa

Conflict Management and Principled Negotiation Training for Presidency of Migration Management Staff – IOM (November 2022)"

This training aimed to contribute to the empowerment of the personnel of the Directorate of Migration Management on basic issues such as conflict management and negotiation. In this context, both theoretical information was shared and practices were carried out with the participants during the training.


Target group: Employees of the Directorate of Migration Management



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